Yoga Tips

Are Cork Yoga Mats Good For You?
In the world of yoga, there are several choices to be made. What type of yoga should you be practicing? How often should you practice? What kind of mat should you use? While most of these boil down...
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Yoga vs Stretching - Understanding the Differences
Are your necks and shoulder stiff? Do you feel pains around your lower back? Do you know what action you need to take? Should you take up yoga classes or just stretch? This can cause confusions if...
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Five Pointed Star Pose - The Best Beginner Yoga Pose
The star pose in yoga, Utthita Tadasana, is an expansive stance that opens your body up, allowing it to receive energy. It is an active pose that strengthens and stretches, creating a wonderful fee...
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Feeling Tired After Yoga? Here Are 6 Reasons Why (and Tips)
We so often hear about how exercise and yoga can leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day. So why are you feeling tired after yoga? Are You Feeling Tired After Yoga? Perhaps you thi...
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Yoga Before or After a Workout? The Most Important Things To Know
If you are looking to enhance your workout and ensure that your routine is truly hitting on the points that you need it to, then you may consider the order in which you do certain exercises. Yoga ...
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The 4 Common Effects of Stress on Your Body
Stress is a common occurrence in most of our lives. Whether it is circumstantial such as a traffic jam, or something major such as divorce or the loss of a loved one, this stress can really affect...
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6 Effective Methods To Stop Overthinking Immediately
With the state of things in the past year and a global pandemic going on, our mindset has taken quite a toll. It can be very difficult to keep from overthinking and going down a dark hole of “what...
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How To Be Healthy During The Pandemic With Yoga
There have been several upturns throughout this year for everyone around the world. Among so many different things, we are in the middle of a global pandemic which is something that not many peopl...
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Top 5 Yoga Poses For Working From Home During A Pandemic
The past year has been one of the big changes for many. One of those changes includes working from home for thousands of people all across the world. Because so many people have begun working from...
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Why A Combination Cork And Natural Rubber Yoga Mat Is Perfect For You
As a yoga practitioner and lover, you have probably researched your fair share of yoga mats. After all, we all want to find the perfect yoga mat for our practice. But there is quite a lot to consi...
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