Yoga Pose

Yogi Squat - The All-Level Yoga Pose With So Many Amazing Benefits
This week’s pose of the week is an especially beneficial one. Known as the yogi squat, Malasana is a wonderful yoga pose that is both opening and strengthening. Though the pose itself may seem easy...
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Swan Pose - Excellent Stretch Yoga Pose For Everyone
Our pose of the week for this week is one that has a few different names, but no matter what you call it, the benefits are still there. The swan pose, otherwise known as the sleeping swan pose, pig...
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Floating Lotus Pose - The Foundation Pose For Mindfulness and More
The floating lotus or flying lotus is otherwise known as padmasana is best described by Yoga Journal as a foundation for meditation practice - which helps to manage stress by the conscious stretch ...
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Exalted Warrior Pose - Amazing Stretch For Your Back and Lower Body
There are several poses in yoga that are great for strengthening your lower body while simultaneously stretching your whole body. One of our favorites is the exalted warrior pose, or Reverse Warrio...
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Wind Removing Yoga Pose (Pavanamuktasana): Great pose for your posture
Pavanamuktasana is generally an easy pose that can be practiced by everyone. It is a simple pose that offers many wonderful benefits. This pose can be added to any yoga flow, and this post is going...
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